Thursday, January 19, 2023

Read my Books for Free

 You can now Download and Read my King of Wolves Series for free for the entire year (2023). If you love dark fantasy, romance, vampires, werewolves, witches and magic, you may enjoy my books, so please visit my blog to download them: King of Wolves: Read for Free

If you read them, please let me know want you think - you can message me on Facebook, or use the contact form on this blog. Also, if you like the books, or know someone else who might, please share, share, share!!! Please also check out my other book on Amazon - The Werewolf Factor.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Wolf Song a Novel

Sandulf and Sulien share the same father, but that is where their similarity ends. Sulien Brandt is a proud and noble vampire who will do anything to further his ambition. Sandulf, on the other hand, is a half-breed, half-vampire, and half wolf-kin, his wolf-blood will be a matter for contention between them. The first time he shifts into a huge steel-grey wolf, he knows that his brother will never accept him for who he really is. Sandulf just wants to be left alone to lead his wolf-kin pack, living in the forest undisturbed as his kind has done for generations. When Sulien takes a wife, however, Sandulf is not only taken with the connection he seems to share with her, but the fact that she is wearing his mother's necklace, stolen from her grave!
Sulien's wife Selene finds herself plunged into a web of lies, deceit, and bloodshed as she finds herself caught in the grasp of her cruel and ambitious husband. Can she escape him to be with the one she truly loves, or will he destroy everything his brother cares about?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Happy October to everyone!

 This is the time when Halloween is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere, and increasingly in the Southern Hemisphere - my favorite time of year where I almost seem normal for my love of the creepy and of the mythical and monstrous creatures. As a thank you to my blog visitors and Facebook fans - I would like to offer everyone one free chart or pattern from my Ravelry store and 70% off anything in my Etsy store for the month of October. The Ravelry coupon code is HALLOW2020 - enter it at checkout. The Etsy link to this deal is